Tourism and Events

Unit description 


Destination Management 
This unit examines the management of the tourism system with a focus on “destinations”. The system’s outcomes of tourism and its use of tourism as a development strategy for building “community” are also explored in this unit. This involves strategic planning, a forward-looking, critical approach to sustainable tourism development, and identifying and implementing effective management in the context of sustainability. It is designed as a practical exercise in tourism destination management, guided by project management techniques. 


Events, Policy and Evaluation
Managing events and festivals is an eclectic task, from event design and marketing to managing visitors and the community. Planning and public policy approaches seek to recognise the positive and negative impacts of the event or festival on the community stakeholders with the aim of increasing the positive and mitigating the negative impacts. A key aspect of policy implementation is evaluation. This unit considers public policy and the evaluation approaches that address the outcomes of that policy.

Festivals and Events
The aim of this unit is to gain an understanding of the complexities of event studies. It examines the application of theoretical frameworks from the field and also gives experience in the planning and analysis of various event types. Events ranging from the community level to the global are used as case studies and students are also expected to design their own community event as part of the assessment process.

Public Policy Analysis 
Why do some problems come to the attention of governments while others do not? Who is involved in the policy-making process? Pressure groups, media, think tanks; what are their goals? How are policies evaluated? Theoretical explanations are combined with practical examples from Australia and overseas to provide students with a critical understanding of how policy is made. The unit also equips students with the main conceptual tools for analysing the impact of a policy or policy recommendation. 



Sustainable Tourism Development (Asian Study Tour)*
Sustainable Tourism Development (Asian Study Tour) is an intensive, five-week unit which includes a two-week study tour to Japan. It is designed for students in tourism, community development, international aid and development, and sustainable development. It explores the economic, social-cultural, community and environmental impacts of tourism destinations on local communities and stakeholders. Students will apply theoretical concepts and preliminary research to presentations to local community and stakeholders at the host destination.

*This module includes a mandatory study tour to an overseas destination determined by Murdoch University for a duration of approximately two weeks. The programme fee does not include study tour expenses which will be at the student’s own expense. Students are required to make payment directly to Murdoch University for the cost of accommodation, workshops, scheduled activities, transportation and some meals which will be arranged by the University.  Students are required to make their own flight and travel insurance arrangements and purchase these at their own expense. As there are limited places, Murdoch University reserves the right to shortlist applicants for this module. For application requirements, please refer to your programme consultant or the programme management team.


Tourism and Events Project
Tourism and events, combine to be one of the largest industries globally, and they have been used as development tools from the local community engagement to a focus for international aid. Tourism and events are dependent upon global policies and politics, and are highly responsive to natural, economic and political occurrences focusing on authentic, cultural and historical situations. Students will undertake independent research on a Tourism or Events topic of their own, with the approval of the Unit Coordinator. 


Travel and Tourism in Society
In this unit, students will “experience” the world of travel and tourism through the writings of travellers, the work of social researchers and their own travel experiences. The main focus of this unit will be the human dimension of tourism, the motivation to travel, the experience of travel and its impacts on host communities. At least one field trip will be an important activity during the semester.