Unit description
Master of Business Administration
Accounting for Managers
While this unit provides an introduction to accounting issues relevant to both preparers and users of business reports, it predominantly explores the principles of financial and management accounting from a user perspective. The focus of the unit is on decision-making, providing practical knowledge of preparing basic financial statements and analysing information obtained from the accounting system to assist in management decision-making.
Business Finance
This unit provides students with an understanding of the macroeconomic setting in which corporate financial decisions are made. They will be exposed to finance theory, and the tools and techniques used in financial decision-making. To assist students in achieving this understanding, it is necessary for them to perform basic financial calculations. The conceptual framework and techniques covered in this unit will provide students who wish to progress to a practitioner role within the finance discipline with a foundation for further studies.
Economics and Business Strategy
Increasing competition and rapid technological change mean that managers must have a sound understanding of the economic fundamentals of business enterprises, the operation of markets and the role played by governments. In this unit, particular emphasis is given to the strategic interdependence of many businesses and their efficiency.
Leading the Engaged Enterprise
The modern enterprise engages with all quarters of society as it pursues its goals. The core of the engaged enterprise is its people, who execute strategy with intent while continually exploring new horizons. This unit focuses on fostering and engaging with staff by distributing leadership at all levels of the enterprise, leveraging the power of groups and reaffirming the strategic role of human capital development in learning to innovate new responses to organisational challenges.
Strategies for Growth and Excellence
This unit enables students to investigate how firms and organisations design and execute effective strategies, and it explores relevant issues such as environmental, leadership and organisational culture and values, macro-globalisation, market competition, meso-government regulatory frameworks and shareholder/stakeholder needs, micro-resources, sustainability and information communications technology. Students will analyse recent case studies and “hot topics” in strategy drawn from the media and business journals.
Strategic Marketing Management
This unit offers a sound foundation in aspects of marketing management strategy, relevant for all types of profit and not-for profit businesses and organisations. Marketing management strategy is essential for all brand and service operations. The main topics include consumer behaviour, identifying competitive forces, international marketing, marketing communications, marketing mix, market positioning, market segmentation, online marketing, product life cycle and strategic options.
Master of Human Resources Management
Acquisition of Human Resources
For human resource management (HRM) to be effective, it requires the development of effective practices that serve to resource, support and manage human resource systems. This unit covers the first phase of HRM, including employer branding, human resources planning, recruitment and selection of staff. The description and use of selection tools and techniques are also outlined, including why and when they should be used, and the issues with each.
Data, Metrics, Reporting and Analytics
In this unit, students are introduced to common human resource (HR) data, metrics and analytics that guide decision-making in order to support strategic organisational goals. Human resources are the most critical asset, and the department that manages human resources is generally the most important in an organisation.
This unit aims at reviewing the HR department’s role in aligning HR management to an organisation’s strategic goals and making a positive impact on the future of the organisation. The unit introduces descriptive HR analytics and data visualisation, efficiency, effectiveness and business outcome measures of HR management processes, HR data and metrics, and predictive HR analytics. The unit would enable students to make meaningful HR policies for an organisation using HR data and metrics.
Human Resource Management Law
This unit is about law relevant to the recruitment, performance and termination of employment relationships in Australia. It investigates the legal relationship between an employer and an employee. Coverage of relevant legislation is a focus, with topics including awards, enterprise bargaining, dismissal, minimum standards, and work health and safety. A study of contractual rights and obligations will also be conducted.
Human Resource Management Perspectives
This unit presents an overview of the management of human resources (HR) from the perspectives of HR practitioners and line managers. It examines practical and theoretical aspects of strategic and operational HR management.
Topics such as recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management and remuneration for the organisation’s most valuable assets are covered. Changing views on HR applications, concepts, evaluation and processes will be canvassed.
Managing, Evaluating and Developing Human Resources
This unit is about managing, measuring and developing human performance at work. It addresses these issues by looking at the relationship between employee learning and development in the context of performance management. Thus, the unit has a strategic focus – it is about organisational systems, the integration of performance management, and learning and development functions. Its focus is on the practical application of theory in the workplace, and it is designed to suit both human resources practitioners and line managers.
Managing Remuneration, Benefits and Motivation
This unit focuses on managing employee remuneration and benefits in contemporary organisations. It gives students a broad understanding of the theoretical frameworks underpinning the links between work behaviours and pay, and practical experience in designing and evaluating an effective remuneration system. Topics include the mechanics of determining relative job worth when establishing pay structures, the link between motivation theory and the use of incentive systems in performance management, and the impact of economic theory and the broader environment in wage determination.
Organisational Behaviour and Management
Introducing students to concepts and theories of organisational behaviour is useful to managers, this unit also considers behavioural impacts at individual, group and organisational levels. The focus is on helping students understand themselves and how they could operate, today and in the future, within the management contexts of a globalised world. The unit uses experiential, practical and problem-solving activities to explore organisational behaviour and challenges for managers, individuals and interactions in organisations, organisational dynamics, and organisational processes and characteristics.
Organisational Change, Management and Consultancy
This unit focuses on the role of the change agent (internal and external), and the applications and limitations of established change consulting approaches in different contexts.
Broad approaches or planned interventions explored include business process re-engineering, organisational development, human resource interventions, knowledge management and organisational learning, information and communications technology implementation, and organisational transformation.