
Unit description


Commercial Banking 

This unit provides an overview of the functions and objectives of commercial banking operations. Topics include assets, bank lending instruments, liability and liquidity management, and interest rate management. Derivative securities salient to financial intermediation, loan commitments and securitisation will also be examined.  

Corporate Finance 
This unit develops the study of the role of quantitative analysis in facilitating personal and corporate financial decisions. The principal focus of the unit is the student’s knowledge of finance, especially in relation to investment decision-making for the corporate financial manager. Major topics include the capital asset pricing model, dividend policy and capital structure, the evaluation and selection of investment projects, the valuing of debt and equity securities, and working capital management. 

Credit and Lending Decisions 
The focus of this unit is on the key functions of the banking industry, with particular emphasis on the management of lending and credit assessment. Topics include an overview of credit risk, the credit decision, credit policy formulation and implementation and management of problem loans. In addition, current credit techniques, including credit scoring models and Value at Risk (VaR), will be addressed. 

Finance Law 
This unit examines areas of particular relevance to the banking and finance industries. Topics covered include anti-money laundering provisions, debenture and note finance, fundraising via issue and sale of securities, key Australian financial system regulators, loan finance, managed investment schemes, regulation of consumer credit and takeovers. Regulation of financial services and markets, as well as the financial services licensee-client relationship, are also focused on. 

International Financial Markets and Institutions 
With the advent of globalisation, it has become increasingly important for anyone seeking to invest in international opportunities to understand the complexities of this environment. This unit examines global financial systems and markets, including equity markets, money, bonds and capital markets, and the managed funds industry, giving students the skills to evaluate international investment opportunities within the financial markets of leading and emerging economies including China, Europe and the United States. 

Treasury Management 

The unit provides an introduction to fundamental concepts associated with risk management within an institution. Broadly, it will cover the basic financial engineering tools, the yield curve and the pricing of fixed-income instruments. Specific instruments including futures, forward rate agreements (FRAs), options and swaps will be discussed in detail. The unit will also consider the trading environment, focusing on market structures and functions.